Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other,

just as in Christ God forgave you.    

Eph 4:32 NIV


It has been said that forgiving an offender means letting go of the wish for bad things to happen to them while praying for your enemy is a wish for good things to happen to them.  Seeking the highest good for your co-parent means a prayer to bless them and help them grow and mature in their relationship with God.  Praying for the spiritual needs of your coparent will insulate you from bitterness.

Yet an unforgiving mind does not function effectively. We become certain of its judgements of others and shut out all other possibilities.  The unforgiving mind is rigid and remains in the past. Often our unconscious mind may not want the future to be different than the past.  The mind can see themselves as innocent and others as guilty.  It thrives on conflict and on being right.  It sees everything and everyone as separate.  Harboring frustration or bitterness is actually a punishment to us.

The cost of holding on to the pain is emotional, physical and spiritual duress.  An unforgiving mind can keep you up at night, cause you to be irritable with others and negatively impact your well-being.  Most importantly, holding on to the pain can negatively impact your relationship with God. You will be out of alignment with God’s will and His commandments.  How can you love your child while hating the other parent?  How can you go to Holy Communion with hate in your heart? At night when you tuck your child into bed and repeat the Lord’s prayer how can you ignore the request of “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us?”


Renew my mind and eliminate any thoughts of revenge for bad things to happen to my child’s other parent.  I need your protection from my selfish thoughts.  Help me to let go and forgive as You command. Lord, I know you recognize the hypocrisy within me- convict me-challenge me-change me in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen


If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you?

Even sinners love those who love them.   Luke 6:32

God commands us to love one another. He also commands us to forgive.  For many of us, love and forgiveness might depend upon the degree of harm, the sense of remorse and the degree of closeness.  Loving and forgiving go hand and hand.  Consider how easy it is to forgive a complete stranger in an elevator who accidentally steps back on your foot. Forgiving this stranger would not cost you anything.  If your sibling asks forgiveness for something that actually hurt you, and if you wanted a continued relationship, you would attempt to forgive the family member.  Likewise, you would do everything to forgive your best friend, and your child goes without saying- you would want to forgive them.  Strangers are easy to forgive.  Family and close friends are all forgivable especially if we value an ongoing relationship with them.

Although Jesus said to love one another, He also said loving those who love you is the easy part. The same applies to forgiveness; as it is easier to forgive the stranger or casual friend.    They apologize (maybe) you forgive, you get past it, make up and then continue forward into the future.  The real deal breaker is to forgive someone who may not apologize, someone who has hurt you very deeply that you do not want a continued relationship with.

Jesus made love and forgiveness mandatory. However, this commandment will cost you several things.  You will have to let go of your anger/hurt, any bitterness about fairness, give up your negative thoughts about your co-parent, give up slandering your co-parent, give up revenge, give up talking about the wrong you experienced, and give up all the pride that comes with a sense of righteousness.

Forgiving also means giving up the right to pay back or to keep bringing up their mistakes.  If you are honest with yourself, you may recognize that in complaining about all your misfortunes and bad treatment you have taken on the role of “victim.” You may have gotten attention from this toxic role.  You will no longer be able to play victim after you forgive.  This commandment has an extensive price tag which may explain your resistant to loving and/or forgiving.

God commands we love one another and that we forgive.  Read the fine print; it does not say which person to love or which to forgive. There are no disclaimers.  It says everyone.  It is easier to accept this when you remember we are all interconnected through God. Perhaps forgiving your co-parent should be seriously considered.


Help me let go of anger, bitterness and all my excuses regarding forgiving my coparent. It is only by grace that I am forgiven. I see the craziness of my thinking.  I need your help to accomplish this supernatural response.  Fill me with your Holy Spirit and help me begin by eliminating my negative thoughts and all negative talk about my co-parent.  It hurts me to know that I fall short on this important commandment.  Show me how to forgive anyhow.  In Jesus name, Amen

time travel, compassion

He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous, both alike are an abomination to the Lord.  Proverbs 17:15

In order to increase compassion and defuse negative feelings of irritation and anger towards your co-parent, close your eyes and image traveling back in time through your mind.  Visualize your co-parent as a tiny infant, just a few months old -smiling up at you.  Notice their toothless grin, their chubby thighs and their dimpled little fingers. Take in their soft, sweet, flawless skin and scent.  Now gently pick them up in your mind and experience their complete innocence.   This is someone’s precious child, God’s precious child.  Recognize that this vulnerable part of your co-parent still exists within, hiding under all the negative life lessons and challenges they have experienced.

Now take a deep breath and move forward in time-past the present into the distant future. Travel to a time when your co-parent is on their death bed.  See their frail body, worn out eyes and twisted hands. You and your child are present to say goodbye.  What would you want to say as part of the goodbye if you choose to demonstrate compassion?  Would any of the conflict really matter?


Guide me to recognize the vulnerable parts of my co-parent.  Remind me of their life struggles and their personal pain so that I can have more compassion for them.  When they are acting at their worst help me to use my mind to visit either of these times to detach and soften my heart.  Amen