Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another

Galatians 5:26


The Apostle Paul in Galatians, warns us not to compete with others.  He also warns about being conceited and causing envy which is often the result of competition.   Social media and the selfie movement have encouraged people consciously or unconsciously to do just that-make others feel less worthy. The social messages are “Look at what I have?”

When we envy others, we are acting as if we deserve what the other person has been given, when in truth we do not deserve anything at all.  God has the right and the power to give blessings as He sees fit. We receive blessings by the grace of God.  When we envy, we are being self-focused just as the conceited person is being self-focused or self-righteous. Envy denies grace.  It is a sin of disobedience and elevates us in our hearts.

Unfortunately, competition can show itself between co-parents. As a result, parenting skills and discipline can be negatively impacted by jealousy and competition as a result of a divorce.  Both parents may spoil their child more than normal because they fear the child prefers the other parent.  The stricter parent ends up becoming even restrictive especially as their child reaches adolescence.  Children of this age are most likely to prefer the home where they have the most possessions, and/or have the least  supervision.

Rather than get caught in this competitive fight, focus on being the best parent you can.  Look to God to find your self-esteem.  Getting distracted by comparing yourself to the other parent will create unnecessary stress and interrupt your parenting skills.  Competition will tempt you to try to control the outcome.  Focus on “staying in your own lane,” and be the best parent you can.  Stop peering over the fence to see what your co-parent is doing.


You know I often seek the blessings bestowed on others.  I want fairness, my right to be right, proof of their wrongdoing to make them see things from my vantage point.  At this point I recognize that these temptations are not healthy for me or my faith. None of what I want will fill the empty place inside.  Only You can fill me completely and help me feel whole.  I will be obedient and let You handle everything including blessing others.  Help me rise above the circumstances and determine to hold on to the greater good in the grand scheme of things by honoring You. Remind me to mind my own business and to eliminate areas of my life that encourage me to compare myself such as social media or listening to mutual friends. Help me not dwell on better or worse comparisons; they are a no-win proposition.  Keep my focus on being the best parent rather than compete for some imaginary reward. Remind me that I am loved just as I am.  Amen