Do you trust God to take care of you or do you fight to be in charge?

  Trust in God's promises

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

Proverb 3:5

The Lord has been charged with the care and keeping of you just as a shepherd is charged to care for his sheep. Sheep need guidance and protection.  No matter what may happen, the shepherd is equipped to handle any problem.  The shepherd could be counted on to lead the way and provide them nourishment and rest.  He was intimately involved with a flock he knew by name.  He was concerned for the safety of each individual and willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of his sheep.  The sheep do not need to be in charge. God can do the same for us, but with an endless and divine power.

God’s word is loaded with promise and frequent reminders that we can count on Him if we trust and obey Him. As it says in Luke 1:37, “For with God, nothing will be impossible.”


Some of God’s promises include:

  • God is always with you. Scripture reassures us that God is capable of handling anything you need.
  • God promises to take care of all your needs. For example, in Psalm 125:1 it declares that “those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion. It cannot be shaken it remains forever”. The strength of these words reassures you that you are covered if you only embrace this truth and cling to God.
  • God promises to protect and strengthen you.
  • God promises to work everything together for your good and give you rest.
  • God promises to forgive our sins when we repent.


Thank you for all the ways in which You bless me and that I can count on your promises, now and forever.  Help me trust You to be in charge.  You are the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow. Help me rest in this knowledge.  In Jesus’ name I ask, Amen



Susan Boyan

Over the last few decades of working with conflicted Christian coparents, I have encouraged parents to use their love for their children to change their own destructive behaviors. Unfortunately, this worked for only a portion of the conflicted parents. Over time, I discovered that incorporating faith into treatment has been the most effective intervention for change. I recognized many years ago the need for Christian coparents to have scripture-based skills to assist them in making personal changes. As someone who is passionate about improving the lives of families affected by divorce, and as a person of faith, this project has been on my heart for a very long time. As the proverb goes, “necessity is the mother of invention.”

My background and degrees are in special education, rehabilitation counseling, community counseling and marriage and family therapy. Furthermore, I have been writing and training on divorce related topics since 1993. I have authored professional articles on high-conflict divorce and co-authored seven books for conflicted divorced parents, as well as produced a psycho-educational coparenting video. I have also done TV interviews and frequently testify as an expert in the field of high-conflict divorce, parental alienation and parenting coordination.

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