How can you be a joyful giver when you are so hurt or angry?

Let all you do, be done in love.  

1 Corinthians 16:14 ESV


The story of the good Samaritan illustrates that sometimes it is the most unlikely person who steps up and does the right thing.  Those who were first to encounter the victim on the road had great status, acted righteous and did nothing. Yet the Samaritan, who was typically looked down upon by the Jews, was the man who took the beaten Jew and cared for him.  He tended to his wounds, found him shelter and provided for continued medical care.  He also left money to cover the man’s expenses.

What would this type of scenario look like today if your co-parent was harmed and you had an opportunity to step up and do the right thing.  If you saw your co-parent on the side of the road after a car accident, what would you do?  Would you stop?  Would you get them to the hospital?  Most likely you would at least call 911 to get them emergency care but would you follow them to the hospital, sit by their bed and hold their hand?  Would you help cover their medical expenses?


Help me to be like the good Samaritan and have an open, compassionate, and generous heart.  Show me the ways in which I can step up, be a joyful giver, and be who You want me to be.  Give me the courage to push any pride or ego out of the way so that I can be your obedient child.  In Jesus’ name, Amen